Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sometimes Change isn't Fun

This week I started this new diet/healthy eating thing, the whole Vegan Fast. It all sounds easy in writing but actually doing it is a challenge. The first part of the week I failed to actually start it. It wasn't until today while grocery shopping that I fully committed to the plan. I decided to get a vegetable burger instead of the real deal, no problem I like those. What I didn't count on was my body not liking them. I guess sometimes we try and change too much and our body doesn't like it. Even though my body/stomach had an adverse reaction to the food, I must continue on this challenge! 
I love how when you decide to reframe from eating certain foods you all the sudden find so many shows or ads about that one type of food. While cooking my veggie burger I sat down to watch what I thought was a cake challenge and it turned out to be some barbeque challenge, seriously! Of all things this show had to be all about meat and not just pork either, it had chicken and beef to, how cruel! I am starting to see that temptation is all around and it is how you react to it that determines your success with your goals. For now, I will resist you temptation, try me another day.


  1. Funny what you said about the BBQ. I've always considered myself 'vegan friendly' because I like soy, veggie burgers, etc. But I can't make that official leap until someone can create a vegan bbq tofu that makes giving it up all worthwhile. They have those fake bbq ribs in the Boca/Gardenburger section of the store. They're decent, but too chewy!

    Good luck with this Jennie!

  2. Saturday I went and had lunch at Whole Foods and they have tofu with BBQ sauce dumped on it and one with Buffalo sauce dumped on it and they're not bad but they taste nothing like the real thing. :)
