Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1- The List

Well in order to understand my list of Resolutions it is probably best to get a little background information on me. Hmmm... Where to start? Well, I recently moved back in with my parents after living in South Carolina with my now ex boyfriend. We split after a 4 1/2 year yo-yo relationship. During our relationship I developed a nasty habit, smoking, and yes I know it is bad for me and I shouldn't do it but I do. Moving on... After college I moved to be closer to him and started working at a news station, loved it, hated the pay. After our break-up I couldn't really afford living on my own so I moved back in with my parents. I love my parents. they truly are amazing people but we all know what happens when you live with mom and dad... Mom's great cooking starts staring you back in the mirror and with the holidays, I really shouldn't have to continue my reasoning. Well, while living with mom and dad I have started to go back to church and get my life in order. That involves a little cleaning up and changing of my bad habits. So now that you are all caught up here is my list of resolutions, now they are not in any particular order but I am challenging myself to complete them all. Many will take time...

1) Move on with my life and put the past behind me. (I have a tendency to hold onto past hurts and keep beating myself up about them).
2) Get a job (and not just a meaningless job to pay bills, one that I am going to be truly happy at.)
3) YOUR FAVORITE I AM SURE- Quit Smoking (that should be fun)
4) Losing an anonymous amount of weight (Thank you mom and holiday yummies)
5) Meet new people (in particular a man, a wonderful man who treats me right)
6) Find real joy in life and stop taking advantage of the wonderful moments everyday
7) Be more adventurous (I have so many fears and live for planning everything out, asking me how thats working)
8) Do more for others (I love working with people and I just need more of that in my life)
9) Working on my temper (Most of the time I am pretty passive and relaxed but there are moments of anger I need to control better)
10) Stop being selfish and start being selfless (this is going to be a tough one I can feel it)
11) Write more (Well keeping up with this blog should check that one off the list)
12) To stay focused on my goals!

Well there are 12 resolutions and 12 months to do them. For January I am tackling quitting smoking!

Hello 2010, you will be a good year!


  1. I hope you are about to keep your first resolution and quite smoking! :)

  2. I most definitely am. Like I said bad habit I know.

  3. Good for you Jennie! Hopefully you will be able to tackle all of your goals in 2010!!! I know it will be an awesome year! And I can help you tackle your goal of being selfless and doing things for others.... I am still looking for a great photographer!!!!! HA!! I really hope you stick to your resolutions and I think that once you get started, they will come more easily than not! Have a good one.
