Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Set of Goals!

Hello 2011 & peace out 2010,

2010 was a great year but 2011 is going to knock my socks off I can tell it! So for the new year I have some new resolutions, which will now be known as goals. You see resolutions over the past years have gotten a bad rap, they are not known for their longevity but goals on the other hand never make you feel like a failure. No matter what you do you are making actions towards accomplishing your goals, hence the new resolution/goals project. Goals require steps to accomplish them, an action plan. So in tonights blog I will layout all my goals then later on create action plans for each one. Goals require specifics.
So without further delay I present to you my faithful friends and readers my 2011 Resolutions/Goals!
1)Loss a specified (unmentioned) amount of weight
2)Stop being so lazy
3)Focus on my appearance- I feel my best when I look my best
4) Write at least 1 hour a week, aside from my blog.
5) Deal with controlling my anger issues
6)Transition to being self employed
7)Being 100% self sufficient
8) work more with other non-profits
9) find more healthier outlets to relax
10) learn Italian
11) travel more
12)try something new once a month
Lastly 13) continue with 2010 goals!

Super excited about the new year and continuing the new me!

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