Monday, November 8, 2010

The Passing of Time

It's unbelievable to me but in less than a week I will be 27. Time has flown by. Last night I had the hardest time sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about my life. So far I have had mixed reviews about how my life has turned out thus far. I can remember 10 years thinking about college and what I had planned for my life. As far back as I can remember I have been a planner, I laid my life out, set deadlines, and had a timeline that I intended to follow. The only thing on that checklist that I have follow was college. Everything else has not gone according to plan. Don't get me wrong I am not 100% upset with that. I have grown up so much during that time and my view points have changed dramatically about many of those things on my timeline. For instance marriage, I had this plan to find my soulmate and be married by 21 or so. 6 years later not married and no soulmate in sight my focus on that has changed. I would love to find my soulmate but it is no longer a priority in my life and it doesn't determine my happiness. I wanted to be set in a great career and completely independent. Well at one point I was pretty well independent of my parents then some poor decisions occurred that brought me back home. Needless to say, I got sidetracked from my timeline and plan. You see I have never been a great multi-tasker.  I am good a committing and giving 110%, at one thing. I find it very challenging to give a 110% at multiple things at the same time, something always falls by the wayside. During college I was good at focusing at school and got into a relationship and focused a lot of energy into that too but once out of college I focused more energy than ever on that relationship that everything else got put on the shelf. I was so focused on my deadline to get married that it became a "by whatever means necessary" situation. I put everything important to me aside for that one goal, everything I valued was set on the shelf collecting dusk. After checking my priorities and some life changing events I came back to the storage unit of my life. Now I sit here a year later finally coming to terms with the past that I have created for myself. I have face the pain and hurt and I am ready to be propelled into my future and destiny. From a young age I knew that I had a strong purpose and destiny on my life, as the years have passed I have filled it with many distractions and diversions. Now almost 27 I am ready to stop stalling and ready to jump on that path. I am fully committed to this purpose whether I fully understand it or not, I'm taking a leap. Last night I sat there thinking about all the things I have learned, especially over the past year. As much disappointment as I have faced I am still pretty proud of myself and the minor to you but significant accomplishments I have made. I have faced many fears and overcome many obstacles, there were many times I felt like giving up, I pressed through. I am no longer the same person that I was; I am a greater, better, more awesome version of me, the real me!

1 comment:

  1. so true. I couldn't have written that any better. Good luck, I hope you overcome your demons.
